Migrating WordPress

Migrating WordPress Sites at WordCamp Seattle 2014

These tutorials compliment my WordCamp Seattle 2014 workshop entitled Migrating WordPress Sites, where we look at three different ways of moving WordPress sites including when, why, and how we use each method.

Try Your Own WordPress Migration

Want to give WordPress site migrations a try?

The guys at Delicious Brains have kindly provided a copy of WP Migrate DB Pro and a license key for WordCamp Seattle.

Please feel free to download, license, and migrate test data.

The following plugin and license file will be available and valid through June 30, 2014.

  • Plugin file: Download wp-migrate-db-pro-1.4
  • License key: 8b7d5893-5aa8-40f0-a152-084f775781eb

Migrate DB Pro Test Data

Pull data from our test site, movewpsites.com using the following Site URL and Secret Key:


Save on WordPress Site Migration Plugins

Thanks to Delicious Brains and iThemes for providing the following special discounts for WordCamp Seattle attendees.

WP Migrate DB Pro
20% off (expires July 5th)
Code: wcsea14

25% off (expires July 15th)